The Only Catholic Diocesan Cemetery Serving San Diego County

PHONE: (619) 264-3127
FAX: (619) 264-7852

Diocesan Director of Cemeteries

  • Rodrigo Valdivia

Mr. Valdivia has been involved in diocesan administration since 1991. He holds a Theology degree (STB) from the Catholic University of Louvain and a Canon Law degree (JCL) from the Catholic University of Washington DC. His assignments in the diocese have included service as Chair of the Board of Catholic Charities, Director of the Office for Cultural Diversity, as well as Diocesan Chancellor from 2002 until 2016.

Office Staff

4470 Hilltop Drive, San Diego, CA 92102
(619) 264-3127

Copyright © Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery & Mausoleum.